What’s Her Secret? Supermodel, Stacey McKenzie

We have two words for you and they are “Stacey McKenzie.” Our country produces some of the most gorgeous and unique looking beauties in the world and she is one of the standout stars. Stacey came to notice on the worldwide stage in 1995 when she made her debut in Jean Paul Gaultier’s runway show, walking behind the Queen of Pop (aka: Madonna) we might add. This was followed by appearing in shows for Christian Lacroix, Kenzo and many more to well-known designers.

You can’t think of Canadian fashion without mentioning her or envisioning the Jamaican born Canadian strutting down a catwalk with her long legs, sassy and extremely warm personality. Not only is she a supermodel, but also a television personality and motivational speaker. Read on and learn about Stacey’s secrets to happiness, life, success and style.

Astrological sign: Aries (I'm FIYA!)

Favourite colour: Red

Guilty pleasure: I go through two large bags of Herr's Baked Cheese Curls and two boxes of DARE Coconut Creme Cookies every week.

Catwalk moment you’d like to relive:  My first Jean Paul Gaultier show! I ended the show with Madonna – well I was second to last and she was the finale – and I purposely walked off the runway and kissed Lenny Kravitz who I have a serious crush on.

Your journey to becoming an international supermodel was not an easy one; you were bullied from a young age and received hurtful rejection from casting agents. When did you realize there was a light at the end of the tunnel to these experiences?

For me, the aha moment was when I realized no matter how much I tried to change my outer appearance. I still got naysayers; I realize people are going to love, like and dislike me no matter what. As long as I love me, as the beautiful human being God created, and with a strong sense of who I am and what I'm about, I'm not going to make anyone or anything make me feel any less.

Three words for you “Jean Paul Gaultier.” Response?

The father I never had.

An inordinate amount of websites and publications are PhotoShopping images, particularly people, to the point of no return. Where do you think the line should be drawn between enhancement and artifice?

It's unfortunate that society has made the next generation question the idea of beauty. It has gotten out of hand with people of influence taking it to the next level with not only PhotoShopping their images but enhancing their looks and bodies via outrageous plastic surgery. These influencers have a platform to inspire and impact youth to love themselves but instead they're ‘teaching’ them to dislike themselves. It's disheartening but it's never too late to realize the impact of what we are doing and make a change for the better.

As Founder of the Walk This Way workshops you’re empowering young men and women to have increased confidence, as well as believe in themselves and their dreams. What has been your most memorable workshop experience to date?

I have so many memorable moments, but if I had to choose it would be the day when one of my girls in my Walk This Way Workshops Camp came up to me the last day of the camp and hugged me and told me thank you. This particular girl is extremely shy and would never speak; I mean she never spoke, not one word during the two week camp. She also never smiled. On the last day, when she came to me, hugged me and told me thank you with the biggest smile on her face that was and still is the most memorable moment for me. I'm tearing up right now remembering that day while writing this answer.

Finish this sentence: I want women around the world to ___________.

Love and respect themselves.

What are your favourite go-to pieces in your wardrobe?

My custom capes, one of my Balmain or Giuseppe Zanotti stilettos and a vintage Jean Paul Gaultier or VAWK dress.

If you could create a recipe for happiness, what would it contain and why?

Be thankful every day for waking up and having life to working towards making your passions and dreams a reality. Loving your flaws and all. Not taking life’s opportunities for granted. Find what inspires you and enjoy the ups and make the best of the downs of life's adventures by not settling for less than what you deserve.

If you could spend Sunday brunch with a famous person (celebrity or historical figure), who would it be and why?

Grace Jones. She's my idol ever since I was a little girl in Jamaica. She's smart, talented and a bad ass style icon but, most importantly, she owns who she is. It would be one adventurous brunch!

Tags: Canadian Model, celebrity, celebrity interivews, Jean Paul Gaultier, madonna, Stacey McKenzie, super models, Whats Her Secret

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  1. Avatar
    • Esther
    • October 31, 2014
    Stacy you’re inspiring and an amazing role model to not only younger women but all women!

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